Welcome to The Sadr Law Firm. You are about to join the thousands of extraordinary people who have invested the time and commitment to build and accumulate wealth, while at the same time have worked to mitigate its loss.
For over two decades, our law firm has provided wealth management services to clients across the country, including Asset Protection, Tax Planning, Estate Planning, Corporate Planning, and Civil Litigation.
Asset Protection
Asset Protection Planning is the cornerstone to the sustenance of long term Wealth.
Tax Planning
Tax planning encompasses the use of a broad range of tools to minimize taxes owed to the State and to the Federal Government.
Estate Planning
Estate planning allows you, while you are still living, to ensure that your property will go to the people you want.
Corporate Planning
We outline company structures available with tax planning and other benefits.
Civil Litigation
Our legal team is committed to assisting you with any and all cases (within our specialties).